Laurel (Russett) Real Estate

Russett Real Estate

Russett is a planned community of over 3,000 homes in Laurel, Maryland consisting of Single Family Homes, Townhomes, Condominiums and Rental Appartments.

Condo prices range from approximately $230,000-$325,000

Townhome prices range from the low $300,000-over $400,000

Single Family Homes can range from the upper $400,000-$650,000

Russett offers walking trails, tennis courts, basketball courts and swimming pools.

Russett is located near Rt 198 and is convenient to a number of major highways including 295, Rt 32, I-95 and US Highway 1.

Russett is convenient to Ft Meade. Ft Meade is an active Army Base and is home to the National Security Agency.

Russett is convenient to BWI airport, Washington DC, Baltimore, Annapolis, Columbia and more.

James D. Harrison & Associates sells more homes and real estate in Russett than the competition.